Thursday, June 3, 2010

Buds on the trees...

I think it's so neat that trees bud when they're suppose to. We have had a really cold spring and the buds on the trees were there but they didn't bud open until they were suppose to. They are later this year also. It really is a reality to me that this world is the results of the Lord's creation, and nothing else.

Friday, May 28, 2010

dogs...or dog

It's been a long two weeks without Curt and he comes home today. He's been in Williston, ND working. I've been glad that I have Piney, little 9 lb dog that has been my walking friend. We got her about a year ago and I wondered if she would be able to keep up with the walking but it's me that is needing to keep up with her. She loves to walk and we can walk up the hills and she can just run. It's a fun time walking with her.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

The smell of rain.

I know a lot of people like the smell of rain. I also heard one time that it's actually the dust that smells and not the rain. Anyway, I like the smell of it. We have had a lot of rain this spring.
Right now it is snowing but that's OK. One time I was reading in a Women's magazine a little article each month on the question...When do you know when you're living the good life? People answered it with things like, a ride in a limousine, a butler to serve my food, things like that. I would answer it with... I'm living the good life when I can sit and smell the rain.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Hugs are such a little thing but can mean so much. There's nothing better than to have a hug from Curt or one of my grandchildren. Can't you just feel this hug? Lucky Hello Kitty.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


I love snowflakes, because snowmen come from them. I often wonder how many snowflakes to make one snowman. I wouldn't want to count, but look how cool snowmen are. No two are alike, just like the snowflakes.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Rides in the back of the pickup truck.

Even when I was a little kid I liked to take a ride in the back of the pickup truck. I don't really know why I like it now but it's just kind of adventureous. Sounds silly, but dust in your hair and teeth aren't as much fun these days but I still like the ride.

Monday, May 10, 2010


I love birds...anykind, I love watching them, they are always busy sustaining life. They are always watching out for something to eat or something that might eat them. I like watching them pick up a worm or float in the breeze. In Big Piney in the spring and summer we would watch a Sandhill Crane on her nest and the devoted father with them, what a family!